Thursday, 12 March 2009

Land Art

Land Art / Earth Art / Environmental Art

•Inextricable link between Landscape and the Artwork
•Emerged in late 60’s early70’s in USA, backlash to commercialisation of art and industrialisation of the land.
•An act of protest, Inspired by natural processes and the environment
•Often Ethemeral and concerned with time

Re-creating the natural surrounding is not something new....

Lancelot 'Capability' Brown 1716 - 1783

Brown was known for making the natural garden look even more natural than it already was!

His designs and landscapping allowed views of his work to be experienced from all vantage points.

Crop Circles.

These appear mysteriously overnight in very strange circumstances.

Crop circles have been used as a way to make political statements.

The earliest recorded image resembling a crop circle is depicted in a 17th century Englishwoodcut called the The Mowing Devil. The image depicts the Devil with a scythe mowing a circular design in a field of oats. The pamphlet containing the image states that the farmer, disgusted at the wage his mower was demanding for his work, insisted that he would rather have "the devil himself" perform the task.

People have come forward claiming to have been the creators.

Greenpeace campaigning against geneticly grown crops.

Ancient Earthworks.

Stonehenge, Wiltshire UK

Madien Castle, an iron age fort in Dorset UK

The Cerne Giant & the Westbury Horse have anceint roots but there is evidence that they have been re-made in more recent times.

Nazca Lines in Peru">

Walking a Line in Peru
Richard Long 1972

Robert Smithson
Spiral Jetty 1970

Walter De Maria
Lightning Feild 1977

Michael Hiezer
Displaced Replaced Mass

Wrapped Coast
1968 - 69

Nancy Holt
Sun Tunnels 1976

James Turrell
Roden Crater 1980

James Turrell
Irish Garden Sky 1991

What future developments?

GPS Drawings 'Dog Art'

Orag Whiteman

Art in the Age of Orbitization

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